The BHNS Story

Braemar Hill Nursery School was founded in 1979 on the principle of combining the best of eastern and western education ideologies so that young minds can develop global mindsets from an early age.

About BHNS

...[BHNS] stands as one of the world's gold standards. Every nation wants schools like the one you have successfully built.”

Patricia K Kuhl, Ph.D.

Co-Director, Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences
University of Washington

Our Approach

At BHNS, we are committed to staying abreast of leading research in early childhood education, and bringing critical brain and developmental research findings from around the world into everything we do.

We nurture our children from...

Fun to Fulfillment

Play to Potential

Learning to Leading

Imagination to Creation


More About Our Approach

...I truly enjoyed learning about the important work you do, and I was very impressed by the quality of BHNS.”

Maria Polinsky

Professor of Linguistics & Director, Language Processing Laboratory
Harvard University